You’ve tied the knot, and are in post wedding bliss, but how do you change your surname? Here is everything you need to know about changing your surname when married in the UK.
Married and Taking Your Partner’s Surname?
Once you are married and this goes for both hetro and LGBTQ+ couples, all you need is your marriage certificate. You will need to send either the original (so make sure you send it recorded or special delivery) or some places will except a copy. And it’s as simple as that!
Married and Taking your Partner’s Surname but Using Your Maiden as a Middle Name?
Some couples like the sound of taking their partner’s surname but would like to keep their maiden name as their middle name. If you like the sound of this option, you will need to apply to change your name by Deed Poll.
Married and Double-Barrelling your Surnames?
This is becoming a lot more popular with couples, to double barrel both surnames and there are two ways to do this. Your partner could change his name by deed poll to the double-barrelled name before the wedding, then all you would need to do, is send off the marriage certificate for your name change. Or after the wedding you could both change your name by deed poll.
Married but wanting to keep your Maiden Name for Professional Work?
If you are changing your surname to your partners using your marriage certificate but wish to keep your maiden name for your professional work, i.e. all your qualifications are in your maiden name, you can. All you will need to do is write to your employer to let them now to save any confusion with your new name and the bank account/tax records.
Sticking with your Maiden name?
Some choose to stay with their maiden name and therefore don’t need to do anything. You can of course update your title if you wanted to without any requirements.
Married and going to create a new surname?
Some newlyweds may not want to choose one surname or not like the idea of double-barrelling, so decide to take letters from each surname to make a new one or make a completely new surname up altogether. This would also require a name change by deed poll.
How do I change a name buy deed poll?
Now you don’t have to have a deed poll to start using your new name but if you do want it official and on documents like your passport to you will need to change it by deed poll and the easiest way to do that, is to get yourself an ‘enrolled’ deed poll costing £42.44 (2021) check out the link here to find out more on the Gov website. Or you can hire a solicitor to help you.
Want your passport to show your new name for your Honeymoon?
Some couples like to have their name changed on their passport before they go on honeymoon, which can be done up to three months before the big day. Your old passport will be cancelled andf your new passport wont be able to be used until after your ceremony. Do check that the country you are going to will issue you a visa with a post dated passport first, as some will not. Check out more info on this and what you need to send them here on the Gov website.
List of Places to change your name:
Now you have decided what you are changing your surname to, who do you need to inform? What do you need to get changed? Here is my checklist of places to change your new married name:
- Your Passport
- DVLA for your Driving Licence and V5
- Bank
- HMRC including any benefits you may receive like child benefit
- Local Authority for council tax
- Employer
- Mortgage provider
- Utility providers including Water/Energy
- Other bill providers including internet/phone/mobile
- Insurance companies including home/car/life
- Your Will
- Any loans, credit or store cards you may have
- Doctor/Dentist/Vet
- Any memberships like gym/breakdown cover
- Social Media/Amazon/Paypal
Not loving the fact of how long this will take you to change your married name? There is a company called NameSwitch that can do it all for you, from £29.95.
How quickly do I need to get my Name Changed?
The best bit is there is no time limit! So if it getting to overwhelming not knowing who’s name to take or who you need to contact, leave it and come back to it. You can take as much time as you need to make this big decision together.
Thanks for Reading
x Jodie x
Check out more wedding advice on my blog here.